Work Packages

WP1: WeNEETlabs Project Management
At the initial stage of the project, the partner countries prepare all details needed for smooth cooperation and a guaranteed realization of the project. The first project result regards the quality and achievement of project activities and how they will be monitored. Moreover, prior to starting the activities, in this section, the process of inclusivity is represented, as WeNEETLabs will be accessible to all. Lastly, it sets digital tools to facilitate activities and green practices that regulate the project.

WP2: WeNEETlabs Methodology
The project will start with desk and on-field research country on social entrepreneurship and youth unemployment after the outbreak of COVID-19 for youth workers. Within PR1, partners will compile a synthesis report of existing literature on the gaps in knowledge, skills and needs of social entrepreneurship education, digital literacy and job searching with young NEETs. At the same time, along with the literature review, partners will conduct field research based on a structured questionnaire aiming to collect data directly from the project’s primary target group: NEET women between the ages of 18-30. All the results will be included in the overall synthesis report called “Pedagogical Methodology for Social Entrepreneurship Education for young NEETs”.
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WP3: WeNEETlabs Implementation
The following step is the development of an educational game and a portal. The educational will focus on upskilling young NEET women and it will be accompanied by an operational manual, targeted to youth educators, including not only instructions for the game, but also contextualized information for around social entrepreneurship in the COVID-19 era in all six countries and solutions to support young NEET women. The WeNEETjobs portal for NEET youth and social entrepreneurship employers/ organisations, will be utilised as a platform for bringing them together or offering them opportunities for gaining work experience in the field. The WeNEETjobs portal will offer cross sectoral mentoring support, which will give NEET youth, especially women, interested in social entrepreneurship, opportunities and be able to be paired with employers around the EU, which is imperative in the COVID-19 era.

WP4: WeNEETlabs Piloting
Young NEET women will be invited to participate in a Piloting Workshops on the educational game and portal. Within this work package, a pilot testing will test the WeNEETlabs Pedagogical Framework, WeNEETlabs educational game and accompanying operation manual, WeNEETjobs employment portal with mentoring support. During this phase the primary target groups will be engaged in order to collect useful feedback and proceed with the validation or modifications to the educational resources.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-NO02-KA220-YOU-000088071